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Install Basement Sump Pump


A basement sump pump has something in common with an automobile airbag; you hope you do not have to use it, but when you do, it can really save the day. These pumps can be of either manual or  automatic type, with battery operated backup sump pumps available as well.

If you have a sudden intrusion of water, unexpected and not likely to be recurring, you can get a portable submersible pump that will do the job of a permanently mounted pump. These small pumps are often used for occasional water removal, perhaps for standing water on a roof or on a swimming pool cover. These do not require making a permanent hole in your basement floor, and may be just the thing for an unexpected standing water problem.

If you have either a known wet basement issue or a sudden emergency, your local plumbing  professional can help. Call your local expert for sound advice and efficient installation of the sump pump you need to keep you safe from water damage.

Residential & Commercial Professional Services

Brea, CA 92821 | (714) 459-5673