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Ways to Save Energy and Water


Saving energy and water is not just about being environmentally conscious – it is also an excellent way to save money. Save hundreds of dollars on your heating, gas and electricity bills just basically changing your lifestyle and your home. There are some easy and effective things that you can do to save energy at home. The following is the list of 8 steps to get you started.

1. Reduce “Phantom Loads”

The energy that an appliance or electronic device consumes when it is not actually turned on is called “phantom load”. Eliminate phantom loads by unplugging electronic devices when they are not in use.

2. Use More Energy-Efficient Appliances

If you are shopping for new appliances, make sure to look for the energy-efficient ones. They use between 10 and 50 percent less energy and water than their standard equivalents. Such appliances cost more, but in most cases they will make up to that additional expense through energy savings.

3. Change Your Light Bulbs

One of the least expensive and most effective changes you can make in your home is replacing your light bulbs and substituting them with fluorescent light bulbs (CFL), which cost just a couple of dollars and use 75 percent less energy, lasting about 10 times longer than a regular bulb.

4. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats automatically adjust your home’s temperature to your schedule, making it comfortable only in case you need it to be. Such a thermostat could save you as much as 15 % on heating and cooling costs.

5. Use Fans for Cooling

Apply stationary, ceiling and whole-house fans to cool your home in summer, decreasing the need for air conditioning.  In this way you reduce your cooling costs between 7 and 10 %.

6. Seal Air Leaks

In addition to checking whether your home has enough insulation, you should also search for any small cracks and gaps where air might be leaking into and out of your home. Start inspecting you doors and windows. Homeowners potentially save 10% on their annual energy bill, improving insulation and sealing leaks.

7. Make Windows More Efficient

Even if you properly sealed your windows, their glass is a thin barrier against outside temperatures. Install new storm windows in your home if you can afford it. They reduce temperature loss because they seal leaks and create dead airspace between window panes.

If you cannot afford to install new storm windows, cover your windows with insulated shades to improve insulation.

8. Conserve Water

To limit your water use, take faster showers and be conscious of the useless running of water when you wash dishes and clothes and cook food. You can also save energy by lowering your hot water temperature.

Contact Orange County Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning and we will gladly assist you in providing more information on how to lower your water and electricity bills.

Residential & Commercial Professional Services

Brea, CA 92821 | (714) 459-5673